Seawater-Derived Magnesium Supports Bone, Heart Health
November 15, 2013
WESTCHESTER, Ill.Ingredion, Inc., launched AQUAMIN® marine magnesium, which delivers 35% magnesium to support bone and cardiovascular health.
AQUAMIN is considered a natural magnesium ingredient, derived from mineral-rich European seawaters. The product is available in powder and granular form.
AQUAMIN marine magnesium is unique compared to other magnesium ingredients because it delivers a high concentration of magnesium hydroxide from a natural sourcecalcined seawater," said Santiago Vega, senior nutrition manager, Ingredion.
Approximately 50% of total body magnesium is found in bone, while the other half is found predominantly inside cells of body tissues and organs. In fact, magnesium plays an equally important role in bone health as calcium. AQUAMIN can be used for magnesium fortification, to aid specifically in bone and cardiovascular health.
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