NMI Explores LOHAS Market
August 15, 2005
NMI Explores LOHAS Market
Almost one-quarter of the U.S. population can be considered LOHAS consumers,shoppers driven by both personal wellness and the health of planet. LOHAS, anacronym for Lifestyles Of Health and Sustainability, encompasses a range ofbeliefs and behaviors, including the use of organic foods, natural personal careand hybrid energy. According to the 2005 LOHAS Consumer Trends Database,the 4th annual report from The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI), 72 percent ofLOHAS consumers believe providing healthy foods to their family is a toppriority, 89 percent care about social issues such as protecting works' rights,and 95 percent care about protecting the environment. LOHAS consumers alsoconsume organic foods/beverages and natural/organic personal care products attwice the rate of non-LOHAS consumers.
NMI (www.nmisolutions.com)conducted its study in more than 2,000 general population households, making theresults nationally projectable.
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