Institut Rosell-Lallemand ~ Probiotic Strain Access
June 14, 2010
MONTREALInstitut Rosell-Lallemand developed a new partnership strategy in which its offering its partners exclusive access to its probiotic strains. The company will combine its knowledge of probiotic formulation and production with the clinical and market experience of potential partners in the relevant therapeutic field, in order to pursue the clinical documentation and marketing of these trains.
The company is offering its commercial partners access to two probiotic strains:
Lactobacillus farciminis CIP 103136 has been selected and documented in vivo and in vitro by the team of V. Theodorou at INRA in France, for its anti-inflammatory properties and its potential in inflammatory and functional gut disorders. Its application, for the prevention or treatment of digestive pathologies is protected by U.S. and European patents. It has been fully characterized and its safety proven (QSP status). Institut Rosell-Lallemand has signed a licensing option with INRA for the exclusive access to this strain. The companys R&D team has focused on developing L. farciminis CIP 103136 production process and formulation, which offers a viable, allergen-free product with very good stability properties.
Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 is another probiotic strain with important in vivo antioxidative and anti-atherogenic abilities. It has been isolated and documented by the team of Prof. Marika Mikelsaar and Prof. Mihkel Zilmer at Tartu University, in Estonia. It offers a great potential in cardiovascular health management, a yet untapped area for probiotics. Its antioxidative capacity and efficiency to decrease oxidative stress level in human body is protected by patents in several countries. Preliminary human studies have shown L. fermentum ME-3s efficacy to decrease oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. The probiotic has also shown the ability to positively modulate the lipoprotein as well as lipid profile in the blood and the bodys overall oxidative stressload, indicating anti-atherogenic potential. Institut Rosell-Lallemand holds an exclusive license option for L. fermentum ME-3 from Tartu University for its use in dietary food supplements.
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