Vinomis Studies Resveratrol, Quercetin in Athletes
June 14, 2011
SEWICKLEY, Pa.Vinomis Laboratories is conducting a 30-day trial to determine if the combination of resveratrol and quercetin produces measurable results of enhanced athletic performance. T he company is using its Vindure 900 dietary supplement to show the extent to which resveratrol and quercetin affect athletes daily lives.
Vinomis is recruiting 100 amateur athletes, comprised of runners, swimmers and cyclists, who are between the ages of 30 and 70 years, have a minimum of five years experience in their sport, are already be documenting their performance and are in good health. Cyclists must also use a bike computer to ensure accurate tabulation. Cyclists will track mileage, duration of workout, average speed, terrain conditions and weather. Runners will track mileage, duration of workout and weather. Swimmers will track number of laps or relative distance, duration of workout and type of body of water, and include relevant current, tide and wind conditions. All participants will track their resting heart rate, peak heart rate and recovery time.Athletes interested in participating may get more information at
The Vindure 900 formulation is based on discoveries and technology developed at Harvard Medical School and other research institutions, which established the connection between red wine compounds and improved health and longevity in laboratory animals.
Previous research has shown resveratrol can help weight management, fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, and has shown quercetin can significantly boost endurance capacity and maximal oxygen capacity (VO2max) in healthy, active but untrained men and women.
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