Chromium May Reverse Age-Related Conditions
August 18, 2003
Chromium May Reverse Age-Related Conditions
PURCHASE, N.Y.Researchpresented at the 2nd International Congress on Nutrition and Aging, held July 10to 14 in Albuquerque, N.M., indicated chronic diseases such as Type II diabetesand cardiovascular disease may not be normal consequences of aging; rather, they may be caused by suboptimal dietary patterns thatmanifest with age. Investigators from the Beltsville Human Nutrition ResearchCenter in Maryland stated improved chromium nutrition may reverse theseconditions by improving health.
In their report, researchers mentioned several effects ofchromium supplementation shown in various trials. In a study of more than 40,000people, chromium status was shown to decline with age. However, chromiumsupplementation improved insulin sensitivity in overweight subjects, and had adose-dependent effect on glucose, insulin and insulin sensitivity, with greatereffects seen at 1,000 mcg/d (as chromium picolinate) compared to 200 mcg/d. Theyalso mentioned a study that demonstrated a 33-percent increase in the lifespanof rats given supplemental chromium.
Chromium supplementation can be a safe, effective way tohelp ensure optimal intake, said Stacey Antine, director of corporatecommunications at Nutrition 21 Inc., supplier of Chromax chromium picolinate.A number of clinical studies have shown that daily supplementation,especially in the form of chromium picolinate, can enhance insulin function.
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