ImmunoLin® ReducesCholesterol
August 15, 2005
ImmunoLin® ReducesCholesterol
DALLASConsumption of bovineserum immunoglobin (as Immunolin®, from Proliant Health Ingredients) maypositively modulate the primary lipid indices associated with cardiovasculardisease (CVD), according to a study published in the AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition, 81, 4:792-98, 2005).
In the randomized, double blind, parallel-group,placebo-controlled study, researchers administered test subjects 5 g of oralserum bovine immunoglobulin protein fraction (bIg) derived from U.S. Departmentof Agriculture (USDA)-approved beef (from animals aged less than 30 years). Atbaseline, subjects mean total cholesterol (TC) was 6.33 plus or minus 0.1mmol/L for bIg and 6.16 plus or minus 0.1 mmol/L for placebo. Individuals givenbIg had a significant reduction in TC at three weeks (5.98 plus or minus 0.5mmol/L) and six weeks (5.97 plus or minus 0.7 mmol/L). At six weeks, TC levelsin bIg-treated subjects were significantly different from TC levels in theplacebo group, largely due to a decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL)cholesterol in the bIg-treated group from baseline (4.12 plus or minus 0.6mmol/L), at three weeks (3.92 plus or minus 0.7 mmol/L) and at six weeks (3.84plus or minus 0.6 mmol/L).
ImmunoLin seems to have correctly targeted cholesterol,said Conrad Earnest, Ph.D., head researcher. Unlike many natural products,ImmunoLin was effective almost immediately, showing benefits in less than onemonth.
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