March 29, 2004
MultOil May Lower CHD Risk
MIGDAL HAEMEG, IsraelDailyconsumption of canola-based MultOil, from Enzymotec (, may lower coronary heart disease risk (CHD) through atriple defense mechanism, according to the company. In a clinical animal studyconducted at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and the RAMBAM MedicalCenter in Haifa, Israel, mice (bred to mimic the human cardiovascular system)were fed MultOil for a three-month period; control mice were fedcanola oil. MultOil was seen to reduce CHD risk by fighting thethree major causes that increase the risk: it reduced total cholesterol andtriglyceride levels, reduced blood serum oxidation levels by 60 percent andprevented the formation of foam cells that plug the arteries, according to thecompany.
In other news, Enzymotec will launch a series of dietarysupplements based on the MultOil platform, focusing on the needsof people wanting to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disorders as well asprotecting the heart of people already suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
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