Genelabs Grants Non-Exclusive License for DNA Technology
February 3, 2003
Genelabs Grants Non-Exclusive License for DNA Technology
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--Genelabs Technologies Inc. announced thatit granted a non-exclusive license for its LADA technology to an unnamed geneticanalysis tool company. In exchange for the license, Genelabs will receive anup-front fee, annual fees and royalties on licensed products and services.
Genelabs' LADA technology, known as Linker-Aided DNA Amplificationtechnology, is covered by U.S. patent #6,107,023, as well as correspondinginternational patents. The patent, titled "DNA Amplification andSubtraction Techniques," covers a method of amplifying nucleic acids byattaching DNA linkers of known sequence to the ends of DNA sequences targetedfor amplification.
Genelabs ( plans toenter into additional licensing agreements in the future.
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