Caffeine, Creatine Lead to Ergogenic Benefits
December 16, 2002
Caffeine, Creatine Lead to Ergogenic Benefits
LUTON, England--Researchers at the University of Luton,England, investigated the effects of concurrent use of caffeine with creatinesupplementation. Appearing in the November issue of Medicine & Science inSports & Exercise (34, 11:1785-92, 2002) (,the study included 14 trained male subjects who ran on a treadmill. Three trialswere performed: one before six days of creatine loading (0.3 g/kg/d) and twoother trials following the loading period. One hour before the postloadingtrials, 5 mg/kg of caffeine or a placebo were taken in a crossover, double blindmanner.
Body mass increased over the creatine supplementation period, and it wasmaintained for both the caffeine and placebo trials. However, oxygen intakeincreased more in the caffeine trial compared to the placebo one. Researchers,led by Mike Doherty, concluded acute caffeine ingestion was found to beergogenic (characterized by increased work capacity) compared to creatinesupplementation alone.
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