Buchi Analytical Inc.
April 25, 2005
Buchi Analytical Inc.
NEW CASTLE, Del.Buchi nowoffers several tools related to Near InfraRed (NIR) spectroscopy, including theBuchi NIR Spectral Library, a range of spectra for actives and excipients; theBuchi-Fluka NIR Spectral Library, a collection of 4,000 spectra of predominantlyorganic chemicals; The Nutraceutical Starter Kit, multiple lots of basicmaterials for use in functional food and natural products markets; The Flavors& Fragrances Collection, materials and compounds for flavor and fragrancemarkets; and the RapiRelease * Pharmaceutical IS System, a fully validatedpredictive identification method based on multiple lots of validated bio-pharm,organic and inorganic compounds traceable to compendial test data.
Buchi also introduced the NIRFlex N-500 FT-NIR spectrometer, aCrystal Polarization, FT-NIR System for qualitative raw material identificationapplications as well as quantitative measurements of active pharmaceuticalingredients, moisture and other components.The new system allows the user toalternate between several sampling modules designed for a variety of sampletypes, and its NIRWare, 21CFR/Part 11-compliant software includes an array ofchemometric analysis tools.
Other new products introduced by Buchi include the K-350 andK-355 Systems, designed to enhance application flexibility without compromisingfeatures.The K-355 system provides basic distillation capability and automatedreagent addition as well as the ability to store programs and regulate steamdispensing. Both systems are equipped with various safety features.
Buchi also released SepacoreRecord 1.0, a fully 21CFR Part11-compliant data acquisition software package for use with the Buchi Sepacorepreparative chromatography system. SepacoreRecord 1.0 provides menu-drivenreporting and user-definable features including peak tracking and the ability todefine fractions, add comments and create reports.
For more information, visit www.buchi-analytical.com or Booth#1937 at SupplySide East.
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