Tonalin May Induce Fat Loss,Prevent Regain
November 10, 2003
Tonalin May Induce Fat Loss,Prevent Regain
LA GRANGE, Ill.Tonalin conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) prevents the regain of bodyfat after two years of supplementation, according to preliminary researchsponsored by Cognis Nutrition & Health and presented at the 7th AnnualSupplySide West International Conference and Trade Show. Heather Nelson Cortes,Ph.D., research scientist at Cognis, presented the company-sponsored, one-yearcontinuation of the original one-year, double blind, placebo-controlled study of180 overweight subjects. Both arms of the study were conducted by Jean-MichelGaullier, Ph.D., and colleagues at Scandinavian Clinical Research in Norway.
In the first year, subjects received placebo, CLA as a freefatty acid or CLA as triglycerides. In the second year, all subjects took CLAsupplements as triglycerides.
Continued CLA supplementation for a second year appeared toprevent subjects from regaining the 8-percent body fat loss they attained duringthe first year of the study. And, subjects who had been taking placebo for thefirst year and switched to CLA for the second year exhibited a 5-percent loss ofbody fat.
The research from the first phase of the study is scheduled tobe published in early 2004.
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