Mind. Blown. Nootropics – digital magazine

Nootropics, or cognitive enhancers, have gained significant popularity in recent years, especially among gamers and those seeking to improve their cognitive function. The nutraceutical industry has heavily focused on healthy aging and longevity, driving the demand for nootropic supplements.

October 17, 2024

3 Min Read
Mind. Blown. Nootropics

Competitive gaming, otherwise known as esports, can have a positive impact on cognitive health, including improved speed, focus, accuracy and memory. It’s a clinically proven fact. At the center of the research are nootropic ingredients, studied for their potential benefits in enhancing gaming performance across multiple categories with relevance to the dietary supplement market at large.

There are some standout ingredient solutions. Inositol-stabilized arginine silicate (ASI) has been shown to improve accuracy and reaction time in gamers. Guayusa is an herbal tea rich in caffeine with potential benefits for cognitive performance and mood. Citicoline is a compound involved in brain phospholipid synthesis, and is linked to improved brain metabolism and cognitive function. Microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) contains fucoxanthin, which may support cognitive function and gaming performance.

The market for cognitive ingredients is expanding beyond gaming. Discover how formulators are exploring combinations of nootropics to address multiple cognitive benefits by downloading this digital magazine. The articles include:

Viewpoint: Flies on my mind

With a connectome as intricate as the cosmos captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, fruit flies might just be the unsung heroes of cognition science, Content Director Todd Runestad contends. As he explains, fruit flies share a significant amount of DNA with humans, making them a valuable model organism for studying human biology.

The novelty behind nootropics

From saving Princess Peach to conquering client meetings, Devon Gholam maintains that our gaming pasts might hold the key to sharpening our cognitive futures. It’s clinically proven that competitive gaming can have positive effects on cognitive health, including speed, focus, accuracy and memory.

Stress support: 5 key ingredients for chill supplements

With the mood and mental health category poised to hit nearly $2 billion by 2027, powerhouse ingredients are calming nerves and boosting well-being. Shara Rutberg has the details. Ashwagandha is the current category leader, making up 18.4% of the market, while a significant portion of sales comes from various other ingredients.

Put on your thinking caps

As more adults — especially younger generations — seek cognitive health support, the supplement market is buzzing with innovative solutions. Charles DeVos taps into current trends. More specifically,  key benefits marketed include focus, memory, relaxation, sleep, mental clarity and support for ADHD.

Viewing cognitive health through a new lens

Ace ingredient expert David Foreman brings you 19 bioactives that support brain health through neurotransmitter support, neuroprotection and nourishment. Key nourishing ingredients include B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and citicoline.

Best-in-class cognition ingredients

Get ready for a showdown of the smartest ingredients at this year’s Ingredient Idol competition at SupplySide West. With a spotlight on cognitive health, five standout contenders are making waves. Ingredient solutions from ADM, Fytexia, Gateway Health Alliances, Natural Remedies and Nutraland USA are in the spotlight.

Cognitive ingredient supplier resource directory

We’ve identified all the major trends and ingredients. Now find the suppliers and branded ingredients that are delivering the goods in this editor’s list of sector innovators.

Examples of cognitive health takeaways for your business include:

  • L-theanine has shown to help balance the critical neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), contributing to emotional well-being and helping people feel less overwhelmed.

  • Neuroprotection is crucial for cognition because it involves safeguarding neurons from injury, degeneration and death, thereby preserving cognitive function.

  • Botanical ingredients like American ginseng, bacopa, blueberry, sage, saffron and spearmint offer neuroprotective benefits.

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