Bone & Joint Health References

October 11, 2004

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Oct. 11, 2004 - Natural Products Industry INSIDER
"Bone & Joint Health" References

Arthritis References

1. Towheed TE et al. "Glucosamine therapy for treatingosteoarthritis." Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 1:CD002946, 2001.

2. Zerkak D, Dougados M. "The use of glucosamine therapy inosteoarthritis." Curr Rheumatol Rep. 6, 1:41-5, 2004.

3. Matheson AJ, Perry CM. "Glucosamine: a review of its use in themanagement of osteoarthritis." Drugs Aging. 20, 14:1041-60, 2003.

4. Zupanets IA et al. "[Experimental study of the effect of glucosaminehydrochloride on metabolic and repair processes in connective tissuestructures.]" Eksp Klin Farmakol. 65, 6:67-9, 2002.

5. Hua J, Sakamoto K, Nagaoka I. "Inhibitory actions of glucosamine, atherapeutic agent for osteoarthritis, on the functions of neutrophils." JLeukoc Biol. 71, 4:632-40, 2002.

6. Pavelka K et al. "Glucosamine sulfate use and delay of progression ofknee osteoarthritis: a 3-year, randomized, placebo-controlled, double blindstudy." Arch Intern Med. 162, 18:2113-23, 2002.

7. Bruyere O et al. "Correlation between radiographic severity of kneeosteoarthritis and future disease progression. Results from a 3-yearprospective, placebo-controlled study evaluating the effect of glucosaminesulfate." Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 11, 1:1-5, 2003.

8. Bruyere O et al. "Glucosamine sulfate reduces osteoarthritisprogression in postmenopausal women with knee osteoarthritis: evidence from two3-year studies." Menopause. 11, 2:138-43, 2004.

9. Biggee BA, McAlindon T. "Glucosamine for osteoarthritis: part I,review of the clinical evidence." Med Health RI. 87, 6:176-9, 2004.

10. Richy F et al. "Structural and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamineand chondroitin in knee osteoarthritis: a comprehensive meta-analysis." ArchIntern Med. 163, 13:1514-22, 2003.

11. Volpi N. "The pathobiology of osteoarthritis and the rationale forusing the chondroitin sulfate for its treatment." Curr Drug TargetsImmune Endocr Metabol Disord. 4, 2:119-27, 2004.

12. Uebelhart D et al. "Intermittent treatment of knee osteoarthritiswith oral chondroitin sulfate: a one-year, randomized, double blind, multicenterstudy versus placebo." Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 12, 4:269-76,

13. Rovetta G et al. "A two-year study of chondroitin sulfate in erosiveosteoarthritis of the hands: behavior of erosions, osteophytes, pain and handdysfunction." Drugs Exp Clin Res. 30, 1:11-6, 2004.

14. Cho SY et al. "Effects of low molecular weight chondroitin sulfateon Type II collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice." Biol Pharm Bull.27, 1:47-51, 2004.

15. Campo GM et al. "Efficacy of treatment with glycosaminoglycans onexperimental collagen-induced arthritis in rats." Arthritis Res Ther.5, 3:R122-31, 2003.

16. Wang CT et al. "Therapeutic effects of hyaluronic acid onosteoarthritis of the knee. A meta-analysis of randomized controlledtrials." J Bone Joint Surg Am. 86-A, 3:538-45, 2004.

17. Kalman DS et al. "A randomized double blind clinical pilot trialevaluating the safety and efficacy with osteoarthritis." ExperimentalBiology 2004, Meeting Abstracts, LB435.

18. Bagchi D et al. "Therapeutic efficacy and safety of UC-II (Type IIundenatured cartilage derivative) in arthritic dogs." 10th InternationalCongress of Toxicology, July 11-15, 2004, Tampere, Finland.

19. Bagchi D et al. "Effects of orally administered undenatured Type IIcollagen against arthritic inflammatory diseases: a mechanisticexploration." Int J Clin Pharm Res. 22, 2-4:101-110, 2002.

20. Allen M et al. "Elk velvet antler in rheumatoid arthritis: phase IItrial." Biol Res Nurs. 3, 3:111-8, 2002.

21. Moreau M et al. "Clinical evaluation of a powder of quality elkvelvet antler for the treatment of osteoarthrosis in dogs." Can Vet J.45, 2:133-9, 2004.

22. Ekmekcioglu C et al. "Effect of sulfur baths on antioxidativedefense systems, peroxide concentrations and lipid levels in patients withdegenerative osteoarthritis." Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd.9, 4:216-20, 2002.

23. Parcell S. "Sulfur in human nutrition and applications inmedicine." Altern Med Rev. 7, 1:22-44, 2002.

24. Soeken KL et al. "Safety and efficacy of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)for osteoarthritis." J Fam Pract. 51, 5:425-30, 2002.

25. Najm WI et al. "S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) versus celecoxib for thetreatment of osteoarthritis symptoms: a double blind, crossover trial." BMCMusculoskelet Disord. 5, 1:6, 2004.

26. Pattison DJ et al. "Vitamin C and the risk of developinginflammatory polyarthritis: prospective nested case-control study." AnnRheum Dis. 63, 7:843-7, 2004.

27. Kurz B, Jost B, Schunke M. "Dietary vitamins and selenium diminishthe development of mechanically induced osteoarthritis and increase theexpression of antioxidative enzymes in the knee joint of STR/1N mice." OsteoarthritisCartilage. 10, 2:119-26, 2002.

28. Cerhan JR et al. "Antioxidant micronutrients and risk of rheumatoidarthritis in a cohort of older women." Am J Epidemiol. 157,4:345-54, 2003.

29. Hagfors L et al. "Antioxidant intake, plasma antioxidants andoxidative stress in a randomized, controlled, parallel, Mediterranean dietaryintervention study on patients with rheumatoid arthritis." Nutr J.2, 1:5, 2003.

30. Jensen NH. "[Reduced pain from osteoarthritis in hip joint or kneejoint during treatment with calcium ascorbate. A randomized, placebo-controlled,crossover trial in general practice.]" Ugeskr Laeger. 165,25:2563-6, 2003.

31. Kraus VB et al. "Ascorbic acid increases the severity of spontaneousknee osteoarthritis in a guinea pig model." Arthritis Rheum. 50,6:1822-31, 2004.

32. Jordan JM et al. "A case-control study of serum tocopherol levelsand the alpha- to gamma-tocopherol ratio in radiographic knee osteoarthritis:the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project." Am J Epidemiol. 159,10:968-77, 2004.

33. Brand C et al. "Vitamin E is ineffective for symptomatic relief ofknee osteoarthritis: a six month double blind, randomized, placebo-controlledstudy." Ann Rheum Dis. 60, 10:946-9, 2001.

34. Wluka AE et al. "Supplementary vitamin E does not affect the loss ofcartilage volume in knee osteoarthritis: a 2 year double blind, randomized,placebo-controlled study." J Rheumatol. 29, 12:2585-91, 2002.

35. Miller MJ et al. "Suppression of human cartilage degradation andchondrocyte activation by a unique mineral supplement (SierraSil) and a Cat'sClaw Extract, Vincaria®." JANA. 7, 2:1-8, 2004.

36. Simopoulos AP. "Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmunediseases." J Am Coll Nutr. 21, 6:495-505, 2002.

37. Cleland LG, James MJ, Proudman SM. "The role of fish oils in thetreatment of rheumatoid arthritis." Drugs. 63, 9:845-53, 2003.

38. Darlington LG, Stone TW. "Antioxidants and fatty acids in theamelioration of rheumatoid arthritis and related disorders." BJN.85, 3:251-69, 2001.

39. Curtis CL et al. "Effects of n-3 fatty acids on cartilagemetabolism." Proc Nutr Soc. 61, 3:381-9, 2002.

40. Curtis CL et al. "Pathologic indicators of degradation andinflammation in human osteoarthritic cartilage are abrogated by exposure to n-3fatty acids." Arthritis Rheum. 46, 6:1544-53,

41. Halpern GM. "Anti-inflammatory effects of a stabilized lipid extractof Perna canaliculus (Lyprinol)." Allerg Immunol (Paris). 32,7:272-8, 2000.

42. Cho SH et al. "Clinical efficacy and safety of Lyprinol, a patentedextract from New Zealand green-lipped mussel (Perna Canaliculus) in patientswith osteoarthritis of the hip and knee: a multicenter 2-month clinicaltrial." Allerg Immunol (Paris). 35, 6:212-6, 2003.

43. Hesslink R Jr. et al. "Cetylated fatty acids improve knee functionin patients with osteoarthritis." J Rheumatol. 29, 8:1708-12, 2002.

44. Gallaher DD, Gallaher CM, Hesslink Jr. RL. FASEB J. 16, 4:A365,2002.

45. Kraemer WJ et al. "Effect of a cetylated fatty acid topical cream onfunctional mobility and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis." JRheumatol. 31, 4:767-74, 2004.

46. Zenk JL, Helmer TR, Kuskowski MA. "The effects of milk proteinconcentrate on the symptoms of osteoarthritis in adults: an exploratory,randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial." Curr Ther Res.63, 7:430-42, 2002.

47. Colker C et al. "Effects of a milk-based micronutrient beverage onpain symptoms and activity of adults with osteoarthritis: a double blind,placebo-controlled clinical evaluation." Nutrition. 18:388-392,2002.

48. Reichling J et al. "Dietary support with Boswellia resin in canineinflammatory joint and spinal disease." Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd.146, 2:71-9, 2004.

49. Ammon HP. "[Boswellic acids (components of frankincense) as theactive principle in treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.]" WienMed Wochenschr. 152, 15-16:373-8, 2002.

50. Kimmatkar N et al. "Efficacy and tolerability of Boswellia serrataextract in treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee--a randomized, double blind,placebo-controlled trial." Phytomedicine. 10, 1:3-7, 2003.

51. Wigler I et al. "The effects of Zintona EC (a ginger extract) onsymptomatic gonarthritis." Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 11, 11:783-9,2003.

52. Bliddal H et al. "A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover studyof ginger extracts and ibuprofen in osteoarthritis." OsteoarthritisCartilage. 8, 1:9-12, 2000.

53. Altman RD, Marcussen KC. "Effects of a ginger extract on knee painin patients with osteoarthritis." Arthritis Rheum. 44, 11:2531-8,2001.

54. Robbins W. "Clinical applications of capsaicinoids." Clin JPain. 16, 2 Suppl:S86-9, 2000.

55. McCleane G. "The analgesic efficacy of topical capsaicin is enhancedby glyceryl trinitrate in painful osteoarthritis: a randomized, double blind,placebo-controlled trial." Eur J Pain. 4, 4:355-60, 2000.

56. Fraenkel L et al. "Treatment options in knee osteoarthritis: thepatient's perspective." Arch Intern Med. 164, 12:1299-304, 2004.

Osteoporosis References

1. Nieves JW. "Calcium, vitamin D and nutrition in elderly adults."Clin Geriatr Med. 19, 2:321-35, 2003.

2. Schaafsma A, de Vries PJ, Saris WH. "Delay of natural bone loss byhigher intakes of specific minerals and vitamins." Crit Rev Food SciNutr. 41, 4:225-49, 2001.

3. Macdonald HM et al. "Nutritional associations with bone loss duringthe menopausal transition: evidence of a beneficial effect of calcium, alcohol,and fruit and vegetable nutrients and of a detrimental effect of fattyacids." Am J Clin Nutr. 79, 1:155-65, 2004.

4. Flynn A. "The role of dietary calcium in bone health." ProcNutr Soc. 62, 4:851-8, 2003.

5. Shea B et al. "Calcium supplementation on bone loss in postmenopausalwomen." Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 1:CD004526, 2004.

6. Chee WS et al. "The effect of milk supplementation on bone mineraldensity in postmenopausal Chinese women in Malaysia." Osteoporos Int.14, 10:828-34, 2003.

7. L'Abbe MR, Whiting SJ, Hanley DA. "The Canadian health claim forcalcium vitamin D and osteoporosis." J Am Coll Nutr. 23, 4:303-8,2004.

8. Newmark HL, Heaney RP, Lachance PA. "Should calcium and vitamin D beadded to the current enrichment program for cereal-grain products?" Am JClin Nutr. 80, 2:264-70, 2004.

9. Pro-Risquez A et al. "Calcium supplement and osteoporosis medicationuse in women and men with recent fractures." Osteoporos Int. 15,9:689-94, 2004.

10. Malabanan AO, Holick MF. "Vitamin D and bone health inpostmenopausal women." J Womens Health (Larchmt). 12, 2:151-6, 2003.

11. Pasco JA et al. "Seasonal periodicity of serum vitamin D andparathyroid hormone, bone resorption and fractures: the Geelong OsteoporosisStudy." J Bone Miner Res. 19, 5:752-8, 2004.

12. Nuti R et al. "Vitamin D status and bone turnover in women withacute hip fracture." Clin Orthop. 422:208-13, 2004.

13. Ryan-Harshman M, Aldoori W. "Bone health. New role for vitaminK?" Can Fam Physician. 50:993-7, 2004.

14. Sun L et al. "Inhibition of osteoporosis induced by proteindeficient food intake by active vitamin D(3) and vitamin K(2) in rats." BiosciBiotechnol Biochem. 68, 6:1385-7, 2004.

15. Braam LA et al. "Vitamin K1 supplementation retards bone loss inpostmenopausal women between 50 and 60 years of age." Calcif Tissue Int.73, 1:21-6, 2003.

16. Heaney RP. "Phosphorus nutrition and the treatment ofosteoporosis." Mayo Clin Proc. 79, 1:91-7, 2004.

17. Rude RK et al. "Magnesium deficiency: effect on bone and mineralmetabolism in the mouse." Calcif Tissue Int. 72, 1:32-41, 2003.

18. Stendig-Lindberg G et al. "Experimentally induced prolongedmagnesium deficiency causes osteoporosis in the rat." Eur J Intern Med.15, 2:97-107, 2004.

19. Rude RK et al. "Bone loss induced by dietary magnesium reduction to10 percent of the nutrient requirement in rats is associated with increasedrelease of substance P and tumor necrosis factor-alpha." J Nutr.134, 1:79-85, 2004.

20. Maggio D et al. "Marked decrease in plasma antioxidants in agedosteoporotic women: results of a cross-sectional study." J ClinEndocrinol Metab. 88, 4:1523-7, 2003.

21. Turan B, Can B, Delilbasi E. "Selenium combined with vitamin E andvitamin C restores structural alterations of bones in heparin-inducedosteoporosis." Clin Rheumatol. 22, 6:432-6, 2003.

22. Ima-Nirwana S, Suhaniza S. "Effects of tocopherols and tocotrienolson body composition and bone calcium content in adrenalectomized rats replacedwith dexamethasone." J Med Food. 7, 1:45-51, 2004.

23. Kaptoge S et al. "Effects of dietary nutrients and food groups onbone loss from the proximal femur in men and women in the 7th and 8th decades ofage." Osteoporos Int. 14, 5:418-28, 2003.

24. Barker ME, Blumsohn A. "Is vitamin A consumption a risk factor forosteoporotic fracture?" Proc Nutr Soc. 62, 4:845-50, 2003.

25. Promislow JH et al. "Retinol intake and bone mineral density in theelderly: the Rancho Bernardo Study." J Bone Miner Res. 17,8:1349-58, 2002.

26. Messina M, Messina V. "Soyfoods, soybean isoflavones and bonehealth: a brief overview." J Ren Nutr. 10, 2:63-8, 2000.

27. Arjmandi BH et al. "Soy protein has a greater effect on bone inpostmenopausal women not on hormone replacement therapy, as evidenced byreducing bone resorption and urinary calcium excretion." J ClinEndocrinol Metab. 88, 3:1048-54, 2003.

28. Khalil DA et al. "Soy protein supplementation increases seruminsulin-like growth factor-I in young and old men but does not affect markers ofbone metabolism." J Nutr. 132, 9:2605-8, 2002.

29. Chiechi LM et al. "Efficacy of a soy rich diet in preventingpostmenopausal osteoporosis: the Menfis randomized trial." Maturitas.42, 4:295-300, 2002.

30. Dalais FS et al. "The effects of soy protein containing isoflavoneson lipids and indices of bone resorption in postmenopausal women." ClinEndocrinol (Oxf). 58, 6:704-9, 2003.

31. Scheiber MD et al. "Dietary inclusion of whole soy foods results insignificant reductions in clinical risk factors for osteoporosis andcardiovascular disease in normal postmenopausal women." Menopause.8, 5:384-92, 2001.

32. Setchell KD, Lydeking-Olsen E. "Dietary phytoestrogens and theireffect on bone: evidence from in vitro and in vivo, human observational anddietary intervention studies." Am J Clin Nutr. 78, 3Suppl:593S-609S, 2003.

33. Albertazzi P. "Purified phytoestrogens in postmenopausal bonehealth: is there a role for genistein?" Climacteric. 5, 2:190-6,2002.

34. Fonesca D, Ward WE. "Daidzein together with high calcium preservebone mass and biomechanical strength and multiple sites in overiectomizedmice." Bone. 35, 2:489-97, 2004.

35. Yamori Y et al. "Soybean isoflavones reduce postmenopausal boneresorption in female Japanese immigrants in Brazil: a ten-week study." JAm Coll Nutr. 21, 6:560-3, 2002.

36. Gallagher JC et al. "The effect of soy protein isolate on bonemetabolism." Menopause. 11, 3:290-8, 2004.

37. Morabito N et al. "Effects of genistein and hormone-replacementtherapy on bone loss in early postmenopausal women: a randomized double blind,placebo controlled study." J Bone Miner Res. 17, 10:1904-12, 2002.

38. Chen YM et al. "Beneficial effect of soy isoflavones on bone mineralcontent was modified by years since menopause, body weight and calcium intake: adouble blind, randomized, controlled trial." Menopause. 11,3:246-54, 2004.

39. Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Hollis BW. "Ipriflavone, a syntheticphytoestrogen, enhances intestinal calcium transport in vitro." CalcifTissue Int. 67, 3:225-9, 2000.

40. Katase K et al. "Effects of ipriflavone on bone loss following abilateral overiectomy and menopause: a randomized placebo-controlledstudy." Calcif Tissue Int. 69, 2:73-7, 2001.

41. Alexandersen P et al. "Ipriflavone in the treatment ofpostmenopausal osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial." JAMA.285, 11:1482-8, 2001.

42. Albertazzi P, Coupland K. "Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Is there arole in postmenopausal osteoporosis prevention?" Maturitas. 42,1:13-22, 2002.

43. Kettler DB. "Can manipulation of the ratios of the essential fattyacids slow the rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss?" Altern Med Rev.6, 1:61-77, 2001.

44. Poulsen RC, Kruger MC. "Detrimental effect of high doseeicosapentaenoic acid supplementation on bone density in ovariectomized SpraugeDawley rats." Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 13, Suppl:S49, 2004.

45. Sun D et al. "Dietary n-3 fatty acids decrease osteoclastogenesisand loss of bone mass in ovariectomized mice." J Bone Miner Res. 18,7:1206-16, 2003.

46. Das AS, Mukherjee M, Mitra C. "Evidence for a prospectiveanti-osteoporosis effect of black tea (Camellia Senensis) extract in abilaterally ovariectomized rat model." Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 13,2:210-6, 2004.

47. Mukherjee M et al. "Prevention of bone loss by oil extract of garlic(Allium sativum Linn.) in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis." PhytotherRes. 18, 5:389-94, 2004.

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