NMI Study Reports Consumers Selecting Supplements for Health Maintenance
December 5, 2005
NMI Study Reports Consumers Selecting Supplements for Health Maintenance
HARLEYSVILLE, Pa.An estimated187 million Americans are using dietary supplements to improve their overallhealth and wellbeing, according to The Barometer Survey, a nationwide onlinepoll conducted by The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI). The study found 85percent of Americans believe using dietary supplements can keep them healthier,while 72 percent want to have control over health decisions including the typeof supplements available.
NMI (www.nmisolutions.com) also reported multivitamins werenot only used most often, but also taken morse regularly on a daily basiscompared with other supplements. Supplement users were also found to be morelikely to be affluent, married and higher educated. However, there is a need for more education, as 67 percent ofsurvey respondents said conflicting stories in the media made them confusedabout supplements, and 70 percent believe their health care provider lacksimportant knowledge about the role of dietary supplements and health.
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