Danisco Improves Probiotic Stability
September 15, 2009
PARISDanisco BioActives revealed initial results using novel encapsulation technology to improve the survival of probiotic cultures at high temperatures and during storage in semi-moist applications. Trials with an encapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus culture found resistance to temperatures up to 50 C (122 F) increased ten-fold when heat treatment was applied for 24 hours under dry conditions. In addition, the probiotic strain retained 60 percent viability after storing for five months at room temperature in a nutritional bar with a moisture level of 0.35Aw.
Additional tests with the encapsulated probiotic in a recombined cheese application showed processing resistance 2,500 times superior to that of the control. New probiotic potential Isabelle Mazeaud, bioprocess development senior scientist at Danisco, presented the technology at the Industrial Workshop on Microencapsulation of Flavors and Bioactives in Minnesota.
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