Grape Seed Extract NotEffective for Allergies
May 1, 2001
Grape Seed Extract NotEffective for Allergies
CINCINNATI--In February's The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (107, 2:1018, 2001), researchers at the University of Cincinnati found that grape seed extract had no effect on treating seasonal allergies, specifically ragweed allergies. In an eight-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study using approximately 50 patients, participants were given either 100 mg twice a day of the extract or a placebo two to four weeks before the onset of ragweed pollination. No significant differences were found between the extract and placebo groups, and neither group reported any adverse events. The study's authors concluded that nothing gathered from this data supported the efficacy of grape seed extract for treating seasonal allergies. To view the study's abstract,
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