Lutein Esters Appear To Improve Macular Pigment Density
September 23, 2002
Lutein Esters Appear To Improve Macular Pigment Density
MANCHESTER, England--New research conducted by Ian Murray,Ph.D., and colleagues from the Department of Optometry and Neurosciences atEngland's University of Manchester indicated natural lutein esters promote eyehealth in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) bymaintaining macular pigment density, according to LaGrange, Ill.-based Cognis ( and his team presented two studies at the annual meeting of theAssociation for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (,held in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., on May 5 to 10.
The first study compared eight patients with early-stage AMD with age- andeye color-matched healthy subjects. Murray and his group reported those with AMDhad lower macular pigment density than those without the early markers for AMD.In the second, ongoing study, eight subjects with AMD and eight healthy subjectsare being administered a daily supplement of natural lutein esters (as Xangold15% Natural Lutein Esters, manufactured by Cognis) for 18 weeks. After 12 weeksof supplementation, data indicated the density of macular pigment in bothpatient groups had increased at the same rate.
"I have seen many patients who are suffering from the disabling effectsof AMD," Murray said. "Of course we are excited by the prospect that asimple addition to the diet may impede the progress of the disease and preventothers who are at risk from experiencing such problems."
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