Mingtai Chemical LaunchesU.S. Operation
May 1, 2001
Mingtai Chemical LaunchesU.S. Operation
MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J.--Mingtai Chemical LLC, a subsidiary of Taiwan-based Mingtai Chemical Co., has begun independent operations in the United States. It had previously worked in the North American market through an exclusive sales agent relationship with Takeda Vitamin and Food USA.
The new company will provide ingredients to existing customers while pursuing new working partnerships with manufacturers, formulators and processors. Francis X. Quinn, formerly senior vice president of Takeda Vitamin & Food and president of Takeda's Canadian operations, will head Mingtai Chemical LLC's sales and marketing efforts. "We are extremely well positioned to serve our major U.S. pharmaceutical and supplement markets," he said. "We are now better able to provide the kind of dedicated service and technical assistance that customers often find lacking intheir suppliers."
Mingtai Chemical LLC will offer a complete line of ISO/DMF-certified products, includingCompreceL, a microcrystalline cellulose for solid dose formulations; Croscarmellose Sodium, an internally cross-linked disinitegrant and dissolution aid; andNeocel, microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium.
The company can be contacted at Mingtai Chemical LLC, 608 Sherwood Pkwy., Mountainside, NJ 07092, (908) 928-9401, FAX (908) 928-9407,[email protected], www.mingtai.com.
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