NCCAM Testing Echinacea for Ear Infections
April 1, 2001
NCCAM Testing Echinacea for Ear Infections
TUCSON, Ariz.--The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is beginning a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to study the relationship between echinacea and children's ear infections. The study will be conducted with approximately 120 children and will be led by Drs. Richard Wahl and Michael Aldous. They will examine children who have had chronic ear infections and who will orally receive ethanol echinacea drops diluted in 2 oz. of apple juice or a placebo. At the onset of symptoms, patients will receive.5 ml of echinacea or a placebo three times per day. After three days, the dose will be cut to.25 ml three times per day for the next seven days. The echinacea will be supplied by Sandy, Ore.-based Eclectic Institute. For additional information, visit
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