Sucromalt Helps Maintain Energy Levels
December 3, 2012
MINNEAPOLISConsuming beverages containing sucromalt, a novel slowly digestible carbohydrate, may help maintain feelings of mental and physical energy over time compared to consuming a beverage made with glucose, according to a new study published online in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience.
For the study, 44 healthy adult participants consumed a beverage formulated with either 75 grams of Xtend® sucromalt from Cargill or glucose (control product) in the morning. Participants completed a questionnaire rating their levels of mental and physical energy and fatigue over the next five hours. Results showed participants reported significantly greater mental and physical energy, delayed physical fatigue, and a trend toward less mental fatigue with sucromalt compared to glucose, particularly four to five hours after consumption. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and to better understand why sucromalt may be advantageous from a metabolic perspective, beyond its effect on postprandial glycemic response.
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