Hidden Villa Ranch Introduces DHA- Fortified Eggs
December 8, 2003
Hidden Villa Ranch Introduces DHA- Fortified Eggs
FULLERTON, Calif.--Hidden Villa Ranch developed anew fortified egg, Gold Circle Farms DHA Omega-3, that contains docosahexaenoicacid (DHA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid proven by recent studies to be linkedto many health conditions, including cardiovascular and brain health, eyedevelopment and general wellness, as well as being beneficial to mothers andbabies. The eggs also contain a high level of vitamin E, a naturally occurringantioxidant, useful for maintaining the integrity of human cell membranes andprotecting cardiovascular and immune systems, according to Gold Circle Farms (www.goldcirclefarms.com).
Deep, cold water fish are the primary dietary source of omega-3 fatty acidsdue to the marine algae they eat. That same marine algae, which containslong-chain DHA omega-3s, is cultivated into hens all-natural diet, resultingin a naturally fortified egg. Each egg contains approximately 150 mg of DHA,versus 18 mg in an ordinary egg.
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