LC-PUFAs During Infancy Protect Childrens Hearts
June 23, 2003
LC-PUFAs During Infancy Protect Childrens Hearts
DUNDEE, ScotlandDietary supplementation with long-chainpolyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) during infancy is associated with lowerblood pressure in later childhood, according to research presented in the May 3issue of the British Medical Journal (326, 7396:953-6, 2003) ( from the University of Dundee conducted a follow-up of a multicenter,randomized, controlled trial. For the follow-up study, researchers enrolled 71children from the LC-PUFA group (64 percent of the original group) and 76children in the non-supplementation group (60 percent). Tests indicated theLCPUFA group had significantly lower mean blood pressure and diastolic bloodpressure than the non-supplemented group. Additionally, the diastolic bloodpressure of the 88 breastfed children was significantly lower than that of thenon-supplemented formula group but did not differ from the LC-PUFA group.Researchers concluded early exposure to dietary LC-PUFAs may reducecardiovascular risk in adulthood.
Commenting on the study, Henry Pete Linsert Jr., chairman and chiefexecutive officer of Columbia, Md.- based Martek Biosciences, a supplier ofdocosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) for infant formulas, said,While it is well documented that DHA and ARA contribute to developmentalbenefits during the months immediately following birth, this study providesimportant, long-term evidence that these advantages extend well beyond infancy.With the understanding that blood pressure tracks from childhood into laterlife, it is plausible that DHA/ARA supplementation during infancy may have apositive cardiovascular impact in adulthood.
For more information, visit www.martekbio.comor Booth #2178 at the IFT Food Expo.
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