Seaweed Proteins Boost Heart Health
July 21, 2011
DUBLINSeaweed proteins work just like the bioactive peptides in dairy products to reduce blood pressure almost like the popular ACE inhibitor drugs, according to a new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Bioactive peptides, obtained mainly from milk products, not only provide nutrition, but have a drug-like effect in treating or preventing certain diseases. Researchers from Teagasc Food Research Centre reviewed almost 100 scientific studies and concluded that some seaweed proteins work just like the bioactive peptides in milk products to reduce blood pressure almost like the popular ACE inhibitor drugs.
"The variety of macroalga species and the environments in which they are found and their ease of cultivation make macroalgae a relatively untapped source of new bioactive compounds, and more efforts are needed to fully exploit their potential for use and delivery to consumers in food products," they said.
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