Sustainabile Plant Source of SDA Omega-3s
March 8, 2012
ANAHEIM, Calif.Natures Crops AHIFLOWER Oil from Technology Crops International is a sustainable plant source of stearidonic acid (SDA) omega-3s ideal for nutritional and functional foods. The ingredient is derived from a form of the Buglossoides arvensis seed oil, offering manufacturers of a wide variety of products the opportunity to incorporate a sustainable, non-genetically modified, vegan source of omega-3s.
In the human body, according to research from the company, AHIFLOWER Oil converts to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) at a rate of up to five times that of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). While the conversion rate varies from person to person and is affected by factors such as diet, age and excessive alcohol consumption, only about 3 percent of the ALA in flaxseed oil converts to EPA, while up to 30 percent of the SDA in AHIFLOWER Oil converts to EPA.
In addition to SDA, AHIFLOWER Oil also contains the essential fatty acids linoleic acid (LA), as well as ALA, plus the omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), all of which have reported health benefits.
AHIFLOWER Oil is domestically produced under sustainable and eco-friendly production methods utilizing the company's strict process of identity preservation and quality assurance. This proprietary process, known as Crop Assured 365®, manages the entire supply chain including, seed selection, growing, harvesting, storage, processing and delivery.
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