Vitamin C Good for Arteries
February 18, 2009
OSLO, Norway—Foods containing vitamin C may protect against the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in elderly men, according to a recent study (Nutr Metab Cardio Dis. 2009;19(1):8-14). Men (n=563) aged 70 ± five years were randomly assigned to one of four groups (dietary intervention, omega-3 supplementation, both or neither). Research previously showed that omega-3 supplementation did not influence the IMT, thus the dietary intervention (n=233) and no dietary intervention (n=231) groups were pooled. The dietary intervention group had less progression in the carotid intima media thickness (IMT) compared with the controls (P=0.047). This group increased their daily vitamin C intake (P=0.005) and intake of fruit, berries and vegetables (P≤0.001). Increased intake of vitamin C and of fruit and berries was inversely associated with IMT progression (P=0.056). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that increased intakes of vitamin C and of fruit and berries were associated with less IMT progression in the intervention group and in the total study population, after adjustment for consumption of dietary cholesterol, cheese, saturated fat and group assignment.
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