Olive Lifesciences Launches Phytostandards Website
October 7, 2013
BANGALORE, IndiaOlive Lifesciences launched a new website phytostandards.com with phytoreference standards for researchers, academic institutions and the herbal industry. The company's research and development (R&D) phytochemists isolated and characterized the phytostandards using spectroscopic methods such as infra-red (IR), mass-spectroscopy (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques.
"We hope that www.phytostandards.com website structure helps visitors and researchers to understand extensive range of reference standards offered," said Dr Shiv, VP of technical affairs, Olive Lifesciences.
In December 2012, the company teamed up with Smart Farm Management Solutions to adopt a network platform for tracking farm produce and consignment status.
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