Acacia Gum: On-going Amendments on American Food Labeling Rules
In May 2016, the FDA issued its final rule on Food Labeling with the Revision of the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels. The final rule, effective on July 26, 2018, amends existing regulations and incorporates a definition of dietary fiber. Nexira officially provided FDA with information supporting the position that acacia gum is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is intrinsic and intact in plants as opposed to an isolated non-digestible carbodydrate. Nexira also provided scientific evidence supporting the beneficial physiological effects of acacia gum, specifically on energy intake and blood glucose levels.
March 31, 2017
In May 2016, the FDA issued its final rule on Food Labeling with the Revision of the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels. The final rule, effective on July 26, 2018, amends existing regulations and incorporates a definition of dietary fiber. Nexira officially provided FDA with information supporting the position that acacia gum is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is intrinsic and intact in plants as opposed to an isolated non-digestible carbodydrate. Nexira also provided scientific evidence supporting the beneficial physiological effects of acacia gum, specifically on energy intake and blood glucose levels.
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