Ohio Latest State to Ban GHB
March 1, 2000
Ohio Latest State to Ban GHB
ATHENS, Ohio--Ohio lawmakers have passed legislation that labels GHB (GammaHydroxy Butyrate), which has been making national headlines as a "daterape" drug, as a Schedule II substance. Schedule II substances areclassified as having valid medical uses but are also recognized to have a highabuse or addiction potential.
In Ohio, recreational and criminal use of GHB is on the increase, accordingto the legislative aide to Rep. Charles Calvert, R-Medina, who introduced thebill. Currently, approximately 20 states have already passed legislation similarto what Calvert suggested.
Recent federal legislation proposed by Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., calls forGHB to be classified as a Schedule I substance, which would make it illegal topossess, manufacture or distribute. Penalties for possession of Schedule Isubstances include serving up to 20 years in prison.
If found to have valid medical uses, including a possible treatment fornarcolepsy, GHB will be classified as a Schedule III substance. Currently, GHBis marketed as a dietary supplement that is reported to help athletes relaxafter a workout.
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