Unigen Nets Additional Patent for Univestin
April 8, 2009
LACEY, Wash.—Unigen received a new U.S. patent (No. 7,514,469), “Formulation of a mixture of Free-B-ring flavonoids and flavans as a therapeutic agent,” its third U.S. patent related to its ingredient Univestin. This patent relates to claims for alleviating joint discomfort and stiffness, improving mobility and flexibility and physical comfort; it also covers formulations of bioflavonoid extracts from Scutellaria and Acacia in combination with other joint care ingredients.
Dr. Qi Jia, Unigen’s chief science officer and the patent’s lead inventor, said: “The synergistic effects of the distinct bioflavonoid mixture derived from two well-known medicinal plants are truly remarkable. We utilized extensive in vitro and in vivo testing to demonstrate that Univestin provides rapid and long lasting relief of both joint discomfort and impaired physical function through modulating the COX and LOX pathways as well as the pro-inflammatory cytokine system.”
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