Loders Croklaan Lipid Nutrition
June 23, 2003
Loders Croklaan Lipid Nutrition
CHANNNAHON, Ill.Loders Croklaan Lipid Nutrition extended itsMarinol line of omega-3 fatty acid products. Marinol D-40 Oil and Marinol DHAPowder are available for a number of food applications. Both products featurehigh concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and possess the same tasteprofile as other Marinol products. Marinol D-40 and Marinol DHA Powder have aminimum of 40-percent and 20-percent DHA, respectively, with a lowerconcentration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Loders also introduced Safflorin, an isomerized safflower oil productshown to have beneficial effects on the human immune system. A study publishedin the April 2003 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstratedsupplementation with Safflorin increased the presence of virus-specificantibodies in response to viral infection. Safflorin is available in free fattyacid form and is designed to promote production of antibodies.
For more information, visit www.lipidnutrition.comor Booth #2059 at the IFT Food Expo.
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