USB and ARS Modify Soybean Oil
December 1, 2000
USB and ARS Modify Soybean Oil
ST. LOUIS--The United Soybean Board (USB) announced Nov. 2 that it gave $3million in funding for the fiscal year 2000 to the Agricultural Research Service(ARS) to accelerate research for a healthier soybean oil.
"This project, which is part of USB's Better Bean Initiative,demonstrates our commitments to meet the ever-changing needs for ourcustomers," said Jay Franklin, chair of USB's production committee."[We have] solicited and received food industry feedback that shows strongsupport for a low saturated fat and low linolenic acid soybean oil that can beused in a variety of applications."
The oil is geared to be lower in saturated fat and, according to USB, willreduce or even eliminate the need for hydrogenation. The oil is also beingmodified to have a higher oleic acid content, lower linolenic acid level andlower amount of saturated fat.
In addition, the Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils (ISEO) will assistARS by developing the testing methods and identifying potential users for thismodified oil. For additional information, visit
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