Hosokawa Bepex Offers Food Technology Expertise
July 21, 2003
Hosokawa Bepex Offers Food Technology Expertise
MINNEAPOLIS--Hosokawa Bepex announced it offers customprocessing and other product development services for manufacturers. The companymanufactures new food products on a modest scale for test marketing and productdevelopment, and helps clients determine scale-up parameters for their ownplants. Another food technology expertise Hosokawa Bepex offers is theprecooking of flours or the modification of starches that are used inconvenience foods.
"While custom manufacturing can produce products for testing and processoptimization, it can also serve as a model for scaling up to full production ina customer's plant," said Kevin Swanson, director of food technology atHosokawa Bepex (www.bepex.com)."Pilot-scale production helps you design process parameters and identifybottlenecks in the manufacturing process. This allows you to fine-tune theprocesses, and properly size the equipment, material feed systems and ancillaryequipment so that when you gear up for large-scale production, the process runssmoothly."
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