AHP Develops Uva Ursi Monograph
February 27, 2008
SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif.— The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) released its newest monograph, “Arctostaphylos uva ursi (L.) Spreng. Leaf, Standards of Analysis, Quality Control and Therapeutics.” Uva ursi is used for its astringent properties, and numerous indications including hemostatics and tonics. The peer-reviewed, 30-page monograph provides an up-to-date assessment of traditional and scientific data, and provides methods of analysis and identification.
Roy Upton, executive director, AHP (Herbal-AHP.org), noted: “Uva ursi is used in most all herbal formulas for the health of the genitor-urinary system. It has been an amazingly effective and under-utilized plant for centuries and remains one of the most important urinary tract antiseptics today. There has also been concern and misinformation about using uva ursi, its content of hydroquinone, use in pregnancy, and combining it with other botanicals for urinary tract health such as cranberry. The monograph addresses each of these controversial issues in detail.”
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