Bio-One Announces Increased Sales Following New Acquisitions
June 21, 2004
Bio-One Announces Increased Sales Following NewAcquisitions
ORLANDO, Fla.--Bio-One Corp. (AMEX: BICO) reported net sales of $4.67 millionfor the first quarter ended March 31, compared to net sales of $0 for the samequarter in 2003, attributable to the acquisition of Physicians NutraceuticalLaboratories Inc. and 80 percent of all issued and outstanding shares ofAmerican Nutritional Exchange by the company's wholly owned subsidiary, PNLabsInc., in September 2003.
Bio-One also announced the signing of an agreement to acquire a 51 percentinterest in a Hebei Province-based Chinese herbal medicine company that producesover 170 products in five categories, including large and small capacityinjection, powder injection, tablets and granules. The company is an integratedbusiness with revenues of $9 million, operating profit of $2.3 million andassets totaling $7 million, in 2003.
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