Bio-One Receives Financing, Initiates Stock Buyback
December 16, 2002
Bio-One Receives Financing, Initiates Stock Buyback
ORLANDO, Fla.--On Oct. 22, Bio-One Corp. (OTCBB:BICO) receivedequity investments totaling $240,000, and its president and chief executiveofficer, Armand Dauplaise, personally loaned another $60,000. The funds will beused as working capital. Additionally, the company's management has initiated abuyback of Bio-One stock; to date, 610,000 shares have been purchased.
Over a week later, the company announced that it had signed an agreement toacquire an unnamed distributor of branded nutritional supplements. The terms ofthe acquisition included an undisclosed sum of cash and was to close within 60days of the announcement. Reportedly, this acquisition is only one of many inthe coming months.
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