Lewin Group Issues Final DSEA Report
May 1, 2006
Lewin Group Issues Final DSEA Report
SARASOTA, Fla.The Lewin Group, which was commissioned by theDietary Supplement Education Alliance (DSEA) to produce a series of healthimpact studies on dietary supplements, released a final report summarizing itsfindings. The report, An Evidence-Based Study of the Role of DietarySupplements in Helping Seniors Maintain their Independence, revealed that twodietary supplementsomega-3 fatty acids and lutein/zeaxanthincould save theU.S. health care system $5.6 billion over five years. These savings reflect thepotential for avoiding hospitalizations and achieving greater independence formore than 500,000 people.
The Lewin Group studies make clear, in science-backed, quantitative data,the economic value of dietary supplements, said Jon Benninger, president ofDSEA. The real potential of dietary supplements for saving money in healthcare costs is made clear, and the potential to improve public health is evenmore compelling.
For more information, visit www.supplementinfo.org or the DSEA booth in thelobby at SupplySide East.
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