NHTC Busy Converting, Buying Back Stock
February 3, 2003
NHTC Busy Converting, Buying Back Stock
DALLAS--On Nov. 5, Natural Health Trends Corp. (NHTC)(OTCBB:NHTC) announced that it redeemed all issued and outstanding shares of itsSeries "F" Convertible Preferred Stock. In 1999, the company hadissued $2.8 million of this stock; in November 2002, holders of NHTC's"F" stock converted 104.3 shares into 10.1 million shares of commonstock, while another 179.5 shares of "F" stock were bought for$220,000 by the company.
"We are very pleased to have redeemed all of theseshares," said Mark Wood burn, president. "No longer will these sharesdetract from the value of our common stock."
And on Dec. 4, NHTC reported that two of its executive officerscompleted the purchase of the company's common stock. Terry LaCore, chiefexecutive officer of the company's Lexxus International subsidiary, and Woodburnpurchased 1.3 million shares for an open-market aggregate purchase price of$50,000.
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