Rice Starch Imparts Juiciness to Meat
May 1, 2006
Rice Starch Imparts Juiciness to Meat
FAIRFIELD, N.J.Rice starch is a suitable replacement forphosphates and modified starches in meat processing, according to A & BIngredients (www.abingredients.com). The size (2 to 8 microns) of rice starchenables it to penetrate the meat pieces more easily, providing juiciness, ashort bite, unchanged taste or flavor and a yield increase of about 12.5percent, and the ingredients soft gel positively affects the meatstenderness, the company said. In addition, rice starch gelatinizes quickly atlow heat (60° C), according to the company.
Given the extra consumer demand, its worthwhile considering rice starchbecause it permits the natural label while increasing tenderness, juiciness andgreater yield, said Gil Bakal, managing director.
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