Dairy Calcium May Help Slim Adolescent Girls
August 16, 2004
Dairy Calcium May Help Slim Adolescent Girls
MANOA, Hawaii--Scientists at the University of Hawaii have linkeddairy calcium intake with lower iliac skinfold thickness (a measure of body fat)and body weight, according to a study published in the August issue of the Journalof Nutrition (134, 8:1905-09, 2004) (www.nutrition.org).
The study examined the body fat and weight of 323 Pacific Islander and Asiangirls, aged 9 to 14 years, in relation to age, ethnicity and physical activity.Subjects were surveyed for mean age, calcium intake, weight and iliac skinfoldthickness.
Calcium intake, age and physical activity were found to have significantlynegative associations with iliac skinfold thickness, whereas height, Tannerbreast stage and Pacific Islander ethnicity were found to have significantlypositive associations. One mg of total and dairy calcium was significantlyassociated with lower iliac skinfold thickness and one milk serving wasassociated with 0.78 mm iliac skinfold thickness. Nondairy calcium was notassociated with weight or iliac skinfold thickness. In addition, soda intake wassignificantly positively associated with weight in both models.
The researchers concluded decreasing soda intake and increasing dairyconsumption among Asians may help maintain body fat and weight duringadolescence.
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