Euro Proteins Inc.
November 10, 2003
Euro Proteins Inc.
LAS VEGASDuring the recentSupplySide West show, Euro Proteins Inc. introduced Micel 92, a micellarcasein obtained through a proprietary process. Micel 92 is an extremelyslow-absorbing and rich protein source, designed to enable a long-lasting,steady flow of amino acids into the blood stream. During processing, Micel 92sprotein fraction is totally undenatured; during hydrolysis in thegastrointestinal tract, Micel 92 yields a significant amount of bioactive milkpeptides and casomorphins.
Euro Proteins ( also showcased its CDP(Complete Dairy Protein) line, which features ingredients containing up to90-percent protein in the same ratio as milk. Soluble at neutral pH, CDP retainsfunctionality of both casein and whey protein fractions. The products areprocessing friendly and have a pleasant flavor profile; an instantized form isalso available.
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