GliSODin® ProtectsAgainst UV Damage
July 18, 2005
GliSODin® ProtectsAgainst UV Damage
MORRISTOWN, N.J.Superoxidedismutase (SOD, as GliSODin®, supplied by P.L. Thomas) significantly reducedsusceptibility to sunburn, according to a proprietary study conducted by Frenchresearchers at Center Hospital University and presented at this years meetingof the Annual Congress of Dermatological Research (CARD) in Brest, France.
In the double blind, placebo-controlled study, ultra-violet(UV) skin burn was induced on the inner forearms of healthy subjects who werethen randomized to receive GliSODin or placebo for four weeks. Skin color wasmeasured by chromometry, and changes in skin inflammation were assessed bymonitoring congestion of small blood vessels.
SOD supplementation resulted in an increase in the minimumexposure to UV rays necessary to produce skin burn. In particular, fairskinnedtest subjects given GliSODin required eight times greater exposure to UV rays tocontract skin burn than individuals administered placebo.
The researchers concluded, This study confirms the efficacyof GliSODin in the prevention of the consequences of oxidative stress resultingfrom exposure to the sun. This efficacy is of particular interest for phototypes II(fair-skinned) that represent a major part of the consultations in dermatology.
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