Golden Rice Distributed to Developing Nations
June 1, 2000
Golden Rice Distributed to Developing Nations
LONDON--Two biotech companies have reached an agreement with the inventors of agenetically modified type of rice to donate seed to farmers in poor nations. The vitaminA-enriched grain, known as "Golden Rice," has been touted by the Anglo-Swedishfirm AstraZeneca as a major contribution to the health of millions in developingcountries. The Golden Rice contains three genes rich in beta-carotene and carotenoids,which is said to prevent blindness caused by vitamin deficiencies. One of the rice's twoinventors, Ingo Potrykus with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology's Institute forPlant Sciences, said that up to 80 developing nations have been approached across Asia,Africa and Latin America and that all have welcomed the prospect of receiving the seeds.
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