Resveratrol May Increase Lifespan
October 13, 2003
Resveratrol May Increase Lifespan
BOSTONHarvard researchersfound resveratrol and other polyphenols may extend lifespan and protect againstcellular DNA damage by increasing the activity of sirtuin enzymes, which helpcontrol the rate at which organisms age. Studies on yeast, worms and rats havefound calorie-restricted diets increase sirtuin activity, which in turn leads tolonger lifespans.
In the study, published online in Nature ( Aug. 24, researchers found resveratrol mimicked calorie restriction in yeastby stimulating activity of Sir2 (a sirtuin enzyme), leading to increased DNAstability. Administration of resveratrol also extended the yeast lifespan by 70percent. The study was conducted in conjunction with BIOMOL ResearchLaboratories in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., which screened thousands of molecules tofind ones that would activate the sirtuin enzymes.
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