Sourcing Eye Health Ingredients
October 3, 2013
With the prevalence of ocular conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, cataract, dry eye and general eye strain on the rise among Baby Boomers and general consumers alike, the demand for natural dietary supplements with targeted eye health claims continues to trend upward toward a projected USD $15.5 billion in sales by 2017, according to Packaged Facts. The most prominent supplements leading the charge are lutein, zeaxanthin, essential fatty acids (EFAs), zinc, copper, French maritime pine bark and vitamins A, C and E. Among the segments top-line research has been the important results of two large NIH-funded studies, which confirmed the benefit of a concert of natural ingredients for reducing the risk of AMD. There has also been a handful of equally exciting ingredient-specific studies that have demonstrated the eye health benefits of specific dietary supplements.
Inside this Eye Health Buyers Guidebook, youll gain:
An overview of the two AREDS clinical trials with details about why these landmark studies have compelled ophthalmologists to recommend certain dietary supplements to patients at risk for developing AMD.
An understanding of new and emerging research studies that have acknowledged the eye health benefits of ingredients such as lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, Pycnogenol and zinc.
Insight into the top 12 questions to ask potential ingredient suppliers that will vet their commitment to delivering top quality eye health ingredients.
A list of eye health ingredient suppliers.
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