USDA Seeks NACMCF Nominations
July 28, 2010
WASHINGTONThe USDAs Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is seeking nominations for membership on the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF), which provides scientific advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on public health issues relative to the safety and wholesomeness of the U.S. food supply.
NACMCF also formulates positions on the development of microbiological criteria, the review and evaluation of epidemiological and risk assessment data and methodologies for assessing microbiological hazards in foods. The committee work also assists the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Departments of Commerce and Defense.
USDA is seeking individuals with scientific expertise in the fields of epidemiology, food technology, microbiology, toxicology, chemistry, risk assessment, infectious disease, biostatistics and other related sciences. Individuals who may be currently employed by state and federal governments, industry, academia or consumer groups are invited to submit nominations. Members who are not federal government employees will be appointed to serve as non-compensated special government employees (SGEs). USDA is also seeking nominations for one individual affiliated with a consumer group to serve on the NACMCF as a representative member to provide a consumer viewpoint, and is not required to have a scientific background.
The deadline for nominations or submissions is Aug. 9, 2010. They can be sent to Karen Thomas-Sharp, advisory committee specialist, Room 333, Aerospace Center, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250.
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