Nandrolone Discussed by FIFA
April 1, 2000
Nandrolone Discussed by FIFA
ZURICH, Switzerland--The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)planned to meet March 23 and 24 to discuss its position on the banned steroid nandrolone.FIFA has stressed that it has not decided to strike nandrolone off the list of prohibitedsubstances, but pending the results of the meeting, it is retaining penalties for itssoccer players testing positive for the banned steroid.
There has been a rash of athletes testing positive for nandrolone recently. Manybelieve the increase is the result of athletes taking supplements that contain nandrolone.Last year, 343 athletes tested positive for the steroid.
British 400-meter runner Mark Richardson was suspended by England's national governingbody, UK Athletics, following a positive test for the steroid nandrolone in early March.Richardson, an Olympic medalist in the 1600-meter relay, denies that he took the steroidand says that it might have inadvertently gotten into his system through nutritionalsupplements. He will remain suspended until a disciplinary meeting is held.
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